App Score
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App Score

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Article Summary

These reports summarize application health by merging common performance metrics. The application is then graded using a proprietary algorithm. These grades present an abbreviated version of an otherwise complex monitoring process.

App Score Details

Get a detailed overview of individual application performance categorized by commonly used metrics. Use this report as an abbreviated, at-a-glance alternative to a combination of more complex monitoring widgets.


App Score Summary

Monitoring, comparing, and prioritizing effort becomes increasingly convoluted with more applications. By assigning individual grades to each application, App Score Summary provides transparency.


App Score Trend

Identify app score trends for all the applications within a specified environment. These insights help engineers assess and compare the performance of each app.


App Score provides the overall performance of an application. To ascertain performance, Retrace smartly figures out the lines of code in the application that are causing troubles. With the varied complexities of applications, you need to take into account the wide assortment of metrics. All these metrics are summarized with our App Score widget.

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