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How to Customize Transaction Names
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Below will outline the process of changing the reporting Url for requests to your .NET apps in Stackify. This can be very useful if Retrace is reporting a wide variety of transactions under one name or if you want to really customize the reporting.
For example, if you have a service that based on an input does a wide array of different activities, it makes since to change the transaction name within your code to better represent all the different use cases. Otherwise, they all get all reported together.
Add StackifyLib Using NuGet
Add StackifyLib to your project via the package manager or via the Visual Studio user interface.
PM> Install-Package StackifyLib
Note: If you are also sending logs to Retrace for log4net, NLog, or Serilog, you would already have StackifyLib added to your project.
Change the Reporting Url
Call the SetReportingUrl method in the StackifyLib package to override the action name reported to Stackify.