How to Ignore Exceptions
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How to Ignore Exceptions

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Article summary

In Retrace's Errors Dashboard you can mark errors as "Ignored" so that it will not be tracked as an error or show up in the default view of the Errors Dashboard.

This is ideal for eliminating unwanted noise from errors you really don't care about. A good example of this could be known issues you can't fix, intermittent issues, etc.

Here are the following steps to take to mark an error type as "Ignored":

  1. Navigate to the error details page of an error:

  1. Click on View Occurrences:

  1. Mark the error occurrence as "Ignored":

Now all errors grouped by this exception will not appear under the default view unless otherwise specified using the error filter dropdown:

You can also "unignore" an error by taking the same steps as above.

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