Maintenance Windows
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Maintenance Windows

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Article summary

Use Create Maintenance Window to configure a window for maintenance on monitoring alerts and errors. To configure a maintenance window, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Web Apps page, click Monitoring > Maintenance Window.
    2022-08-18 11_47_43-Alerts.png
  2. On the Maintenance Window page, select whether the maintenance window acts on all monitoring alerts or all monitoring alerts and new errors.
  3. Select One Time, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to configure the frequency of maintenance window action.
  4. Schedule the maintenance window action.
  5. Optionally, add a note stating the purpose for the maintenance window, and click OK. The maintenance window is created.
  6. Click Edit to edit the maintenance window.
  7. To deactivate the maintenance window, uncheck the checkbox under Active.

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