Supported Technologies
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Supported Technologies

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Article summary

The following frameworks are automatically supported by Retrace. The APM profiler traces will include details from these libraries with no additional configuration.

Retrace Latest .NET Profiler
This documentation is for v2 of the Retrace for .NET profiler. For the Legacy profiler, see this documentation.

.NET Frameworks

  • .NET 5.0, 6.0, 7.0
  • .NET Core 2.1, 3.1
  • .NET 4.5.2+ Full Framework
  • .NET 3.5 - 4.5.2 Full Framework (Legacy profiler only)

Operating Systems

  • Windows 2012-2019

Known supported Linux distros:

Note: Only 64 bit versions are supported on Linux. ARM is not currently supported. Other Linux distros may work but have not been validated by the Stackify team.

  • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04
  • Cent OS 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise 7
  • Debian 9, 10
  • Fedora 27, 28
  • SuSE Enterprise Linux 12
  • OpenSuSE 42.3
  • Amazon Linux 2

Not supported:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  • Alpine Linux

Application Frameworks

Note: Nancy and Owin are only supported by the legacy version


Most ORM solutions like Entity Framework, NHibernate, Dapper,  and Linq2SQL are supported.

  • SQL Server
  • MySql (MySql.Data.MySqlClient)
  • Oracle (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess & System.Data.OracleClient)
  • Postgres (Npgsql)
  • ODBC via OdbcCommand

Note: SQL Server CE is only supported by the legacy version


  • MongoDB
  • Elasticsearch
  • RavenDB
  • Azure libraries (see below)
  • AWS libraries (see below)


  • Redis (ServiceStack & StackExchange)

Note: memcached and AppFabric are only supported by the legacy version


  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Storage Queue

Note: MSMQ and NServiceBus are only supported by the legacy version

Web Requests

  • Low level HttpWebRequest/HttpWebResponse
  • WebClient
  • HttpClient
  • Plus others from libraries that use HTTP within them like Elasticsearch, Azure storage, etc.


  • SQL Azure
  • Storage (Blobs, Queues, Tables)
  • Document DB
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Caching (via Redis)


  • S3
  • SimpleDB
  • SimpleEmail
  • SimpleNotificationService (SNS)
  • SimpleWorkflow
  • SQS
  • ElastiCache (via memcached & redis support)
  • CloudSearch
  • Redshift
  • ElasticMapReduce
  • ElasticTranscoder
  • Glacier


  • Quartz.Net

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