What is Prefix?
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What is Prefix?

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Article summary

Prefix is a native profiling application. It takes the same powerful but lightweight profiling that we offer on your production servers with Retrace and makes it available while you are writing and testing your code on your development workstation.

What can I do with Prefix?

Prefix runs in the background and listens for requests while you are running your applications. It captures all of the web requests and provides detailed traces or snapshots of what the requests did.

  • Troubleshoot slow web requests
  • Find slow SQL queries
  • Find hidden exceptions
  • Look for bad coding patterns like N+1 database queries

Prefix Requests

  • Tail logs & errors in a dedicated streaming feed
  • View traces directly from your logs & errors

Prefix Logs


Prefix by Netreo has earned Veracode Verified Team recognition for proven security practices in application development. You can read the full news release here. Veracode Verified Team status confirms that Prefix code development processes meet AppSec best practices and further boosts the security posture of Prefix by Netreo.

Veracode Verified Team builds on the security processes embedded in the development lifecycle from Verified Standard to include the following security gates:

  • Assessment of the open source components
  • Documentation that the application does not include Very High or High flaws
  • Documentation of a 60-day remediation deadline
  • Identification of a Security Champion within the development team to ensure secure coding practices are used across the development lifecycle
  • Provides training on secure coding best practices for the identified security champion

Verified Team is the second of three tiers representing the Verified program. You can learn more about the Veracode Verified program by clicking here.

NEXT: Getting Started

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