Prefix Release Notes
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Prefix Release Notes

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Article summary

December 15, 2021



Veracode Verified! Prefix is now Veracode verified and we have the logo to prove it!

Premium Updates

  • Dashbaord is no longer spelled with dyslexia.

Standard Updates

  • Screenshots are capturing the contents correctly again.
  • When switching between large tabs on large datasets or updating the search field, the UI will correctly cancel the previous fill if it's still ongoing.
  • Minor UI Updates
  • Adding Queueing Messages like Azure Service Bus as a first class citizen. It will have its own tab, summaries and search capabilities.
  • Added the Veracode seal to the Account and Upgrade screens.
  • MacOS: We now properly setting the Prefix environment variables.
  • Windows: Prefix will no longer hang on the splash screen on certain non-english language versions of Windows.
  • Windows: Upgrading from V3 will also clean User Environment Variables now. This prevents a mismatch in dotnet profiling causing it to be messed up.

November 18, 2021


Premium Updates

  • Large file imports are now visible faster and will not crash Prefix when sending data to the UI
  • Top dependencies now actually shows data

Standard Updates

  • Linux: Fixed path to logs
  • Added url scheme handlers for opening a specific window of Prefix
  • Several minor UI enhancements
  • Added license type to Google Analytics tracking information. You’re still anonymous, we just record the flavor of your anonymity.
  • Converted most lists to stream data to the list on first view to increase performance.

November 1, 2021


Standard Updates

  • Some sql query parsing bugs were fixed.
  • Exceptions recorded on the root frame are being properly displayed now.
  • Empty generated 'Request' frames are not showing any more.
  • Windows Installer: When selecting to run prefix from the installer, it runs as the user rather than the admin.
  • Windows Installer: PHP folder selection during installation now indicates to find the PHP 8 folder. It’s all we support in Windows currently but we are working on that.
  • Linux Installer: Prefix will be shut down prior to installation now.

October 20, 2021


Standard Updates

  • Request View hover buttons are now properly making themselves known.
  • Sql and other code presentation will now maintain their beautiful selves as they leave and enter the visible area on the Column Request view.
  • Windows & Linux no longer have the title bar occluded as you scroll the request view.

October 11, 2021


Standard Updates

  • Diagnostics: No longer packaging up the db to reduce diagnostics size.
  • Premium! features tab is available during trial.
  • Tasks Window: Made the messaging more coherent.
  • Application Preferences: Added some messaging when no apps have yet been profiled.
  • Properly handle Truncated Frames in the UI now.
  • The Column View performance (default view) for traces has been increased to handle large traces. The Tree View has not been adjusted yet to handle large traces.
  • Communication between the Prefix UI and backend has been adjusted to account for larger payloads.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some requests from being processed.
  • Linux Install: Fixed PHP profiler installation.
  • Windows Install: Fixed backwards compatibility for some older Powershell versions.

September 23, 2021


Premium Updates

  • Introducing Dependency Dashboards! This is a unified way of seeing all requests that reference specific databases, queries, cache dbs, urls, servers or pretty much any other boundary crossing entity. Look for the list of dependencies within the request view at the top as well as in line for the relevant frames.
  • Large File Support... well we already supported large files but we didn't have anything telling you what was going on as we handled the file... that’s fixed! Now when you open a request.log file a Task window will show the progress of opening the file.

Standard Updates

  • Diagnostics have been improved. We are gathering more logs from other places that were unfortunately overlooked previously. This way when you have an issue we can have a resolution faster.

September 13, 2021


Installer updates.

  • Windows using powershell rather than pwsh for backward compatibility.
  • Windows fixing service removal for backward compatibility.
  • Windows PHP installer fix
  • Windows logging exec commands to install.log
  • Linux adding php and java profiler installs

August 30, 2021

v5.0.0 Prefix Premium GA release

Premium Updates

  • Url scheme added to allow web link activation of Premium.
  • Drag & Drop support added to Request Windows for opening a file.
  • Copy image of the request view available.
  • Time options extended to support up to 7 days.
  • Clicking on a Request will open up the request on all tabs.
  • Premium Ads removed - Who needs those things anyway?
  • Summary Tab contains data - you paid for it, you should get it.
  • 2 week Premium Trial initiates on first open.
    • Added a Premium Trial welcome screen on first open.
    • Added a Premium Tab highlighting premium features while in trial.
  • Export multiple Traces in addition to a single trace.
  • Export a *.csv of any grid you see. Look for the [csv] or [download] icons in the top right corners.
  • View the dumpster fires of your apps on the Summary Tab
  • Similar Requests list is added to the bottom of traces. It will show all requests that match the selected request's signature.
  • Smart Suggestions! They are suggestions, they are talented, don't get picky. Seriously though, We've included a number of smart suggestions where code quality can be improved. Look for the yellow warning triangles. We show the count of them in the Request List all the time, but you only get the goods in the Request View with Premium.
  • Preferences screen
    • Add additional folders that Prefix will monitor for rolling request logs. This is to support scenarios such as docker containers, VMs where profiler outputs are in non-standard directories, remote mounted drives for those who develop on a remote vm or other similar situations.
  • Open a .log or .trace file and the Prefix Drop Folder is now a Premium feature.
  • Customizable timing thresholds
    • Default thresholds available on the Preferences/Settings tab
    • App Specific thresholds available on App Preferences screen

Standard Updates

  • View and search errors on the Errors Tab.
  • View and search sql queries on the Database Tab.
  • Summary Tab will show Premium features when using the Free license.
  • Premium promo tab added to Trials and Free licenses
  • View folders that are watched for rolling request logs on the Preferences => Watch Folders screen
  • Adjustable width on the trace view drawer
  • Sql parsing error fixed when sql text contains a ?
  • Minor UI adjustments on the FTS results on the request list
  • Linux splash screen has been updated to account for the transparency bug inherit in Electron.g
  • Simple FTS searches have been improved. A * will be automatically added to the last word if the search contains only alphanumeric characters and digits. searches with punctuation or other characters will not be modified.

August 17, 2021


Standard Updates

  • MacOs Installer
    • Warning prior to installation if Prefix is already running.
  • Alternate Request Views available
    • Standard Tree layout
    • Column layout with frames to left and timing to the right
  • Flame graph added to Request Views
  • Time options limited to 30 minutes
  • Tooltips are improved

June 4, 2021


Premium Updates

  • Top Errors Csv download button has found its proper home.

Standard Updates

  • Windows Installer
    • When the PHP profiler option is unselected, it will not ask for a PHP location.
    • The NetProfiler Service will be shut down prior to installing the NetProfiler Service. Previously the install threw an error if it was running.
  • Preferences has been added to the Hamburger menu
  • When you click on a Hamburger menu that opens up a Prefix window, it will now open up that window every time rather than just the first.
  • Minor UI bug fixes.

June 1, 2021


Prefix Premium Beta now available!

Premium Updates:

  • 2 week Premium Trial initiates on first open.
    • Added a Premium Trial welcome screen on first open.
    • Added a Premium Tab highlighting premium features while in trial.
  • Export multiple Traces in addition to a single trace.
  • Export a *.csv of any grid you see. Look for the [csv] or [download] icons in the top right corners.
  • Summary tab containing slowest and top occurences of requests, errors and sql queries.
  • Similar Requests list is added to the bottom of traces. It will show all requests that match the selected request's signature.
  • Smart Suggestions! They are suggestions, they are talented, don't get picky. Seriously though, We've included a number of smart suggestions where code quality can be improved. Look for the yellow warning triangles. We show the count of them in the Request List all the time, but you only get the goods in the Request View with Premium.
  • Preferences screen
    • Add additional folders that Prefix will monitor for rolling request logs. This is to support scenarios such as docker containers, VMs where profiler outputs are in non-standard directories, remote mounted drives for those who develop on a remote vm or other similar situations.
  • Open a .log or .trace file and the Prefix Drop Folder is now a Premium feature.

Standard Updates

  • View and search errors on the Errors Tab.
  • View and search sql queries on the Database Tab.
  • Summary Tab will show Premium features when using the Free license.
  • Preferences screen added. Command+, or Ctrl+, will open this screen
    • Settings can be toggled on and off. Default is off.
      • Show Static Resources: Any static resource request that was profiled will be included in results.
      • View Raw Request: A </> button will be added to the request view to allow you to see the raw request itself.
    • View the folders that are watched for rolling request logs.
  • Generate a diagnostics zip file Prefix App Menu|Tray Menu > Advanced > Capture Diagnostics
  • Clear all data. Prefix App Menu|Tray Menu > Advanced > Clear Data
  • Fix for a bug where sometimes saving a trace to the db failed.
  • Long copy spans are now truncated. Tooltip and Copy Value contain full value.
  • Chart zoom buttons are now a dropdown.
  • Chart zoom options are moved to the tab well.
  • Fix for a bug where errors were not properly extracted in some cases.
  • Data Upgrade now has a dedicated page that completes before continuing. If you have a lot of data that is being upgraded a clear data option is available on the screen.
  • Multiple processes of the same request will no longer cause data duplication.
  • Mac - clicking the Dock icon will open up the All Requests window every time now.
  • Fixed an issue where start up would not occur smoothly.
  • Splash screen now reflects our benevolent Netreo overlords! Woot!
  • All search bars only apply search terms to their respective tabs. Looking at you there Requests Tab!
  • Windows - Java and PHP installation now available. Known bug: Installer will still ask for a PHP location if you select the PHP option. Provide any location you like here to continue.
  • The time range controls have moved to the tab well.
  • Hamburger menu with common menu items has been added to the tab as well and the logs page.
  • Search bar query syntax help is provided. It's a distilled version of what is possible with Sqlite FST5.
  • Full Text Search matches are highlighted on all tabs with FTS. The Requests tab will show the FTS value that is searched against to do this.
  • All log files in the Watched Folders will be automatically removed after 7 days from their last write.
  • Tooltips on many items are more visible now.

March 25, 2021


  • Loading and Searching data will show working states rather than show no data.
  • Request search is now a Full Text search. Requests prior to installation are not immediately indexed but will fill in over time.
  • The visual (!) indicator for a new version is now a (↑) and still less intrusive
  • When a trace is open and you can't move any further up or down, the trace list will move up and down if available. Hold alt/option to move the list instead of the trace.
  • Windows
    • stackify-cli.exe has been added under tools in the installation folder.

March 9, 2021


  • Errors generated from Error Logs will only display a log
  • Up/Down, Page Up/Down, Home and End now move the lists and trace vertically as they should have always.
  • The visual * indicator for a new version is now an (!) and less visually intrusive.
  • Export has been moved to a Premium Feature but is available in Beta
  • MacOs
    • Clicking the Dock will open up All Requests windows every time.
  • Windows
    • Installation will not hang when there are a gazillion folders in C:\ProgramData We pinky swear this time

March 2, 2021

v4.0.3 Beta

  • Prefix will no longer crash on startup if port 8001 is already in use.
  • You can now expand and collapse all the frames in a trace with a single button.
  • Logs break-out window has been redesigned to be a pure logs view with no charts.
  • File 'Open' and 'Save' dialogs are positioned better.
  • Traces imported from Retrace handle sql properly.
  • Fixed reporting url identification in several cases.
  • Zeros are no longer empty when viewing the trace took time on the Requests tab.
  • PHP traces no longer have an empty root frame.
  • You can opt out of Google Analytics on the Account window.
  • MacOs
    • Command+Q will quit the application while in the app
    • Command+O will launch the Open a File dialog while in the app
  • Windows
    • Installation will not hang when there are a gazillion folders in C:\ProgramData

February 19, 2021

v4.0.2 Beta

  • Windows installation will clean environment variables from previous versions of prefix <= 3.x. Restart required if a previous installation was present.
  • Update queries use a different api for querying if new versions are available.
  • Several minor UI updates.
  • Visual * indicator on the P icon of the main requests window when a new version is available. Clicking it opens the version update window.
  • Better experience when loading a large trace
  • External links will open in native link handler.
  • Opening the same file multiple times will not create duplicate entries.
  • .NET Profiler will properly detect SQL query parameters and parameter values.

February 8, 2021

v4.0.1 Beta

  • Embedded profiler download links now use a proxy link

February 1, 2021

v4.0.0 Beta

  • Profile Multiple languages
  • MacOs and Windows Installers
  • 7 Days of history
  • Requests and Logs Tab
  • Search and Filter Requests and Logs
  • Import trace logs
  • Import traces from Prefix or Retrace
  • Export traces

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