Python APM with Linux / Windows
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Python APM with Linux / Windows

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Article Summary

This document details how to install the Python APM Profiler in your Python application running on Linux or Windows.


Python Profiler Setup


  1. Check that your setup meets our system requirements.

    • Python Versions (2.7 - 3.7)
    • Django Versions (1.7 - 2)
  2. Install the Stackify Python APM agent using pip:

    $ pip install stackify-python-apm

    You may install your stackify-python-apm by adding it to your project's requirements.txt file.

  3. Add stackifyapm.contrib.django to INSTALLED_APPS in your

    INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'stackifyapm.contrib.django', )
  4. Add our tracing middleware to MIDDLEWARE in your

    MIDDLEWARE = ( 'stackifyapm.contrib.django.middleware.TracingMiddleware', # ... )
  5. Customize Application Name and Environment configuration in your

    APPLICATION_NAME = 'Python Application'
    ENVIRONMENT = 'Production'


  1. Check that your setup meets our system requirements.

    • Python Versions (2.7 - 3.7)
    • Flask Versions (0.7 - 1.0)
  2. Install the Stackify Python APM agent using pip:

    $ pip install stackify-python-apm

    You may install your stackify-python-apm by adding it to your project's requirements.txt file.

  3. Update and insert the apm settings to your application:

    from stackifyapm.contrib.flask import StackifyAPM
    app = Flask(...)
  4. Customize Application Name and Environment configuration:

    app.config['APPLICATION_NAME'] = 'Python Application'
    app.config['ENVIRONMENT'] = 'Production'


  1. Check that your setup meets our system requirements.

    • Python Versions (2.7 - 3.7)
    • Pyramid Versions (1.4 - 1.10)
  2. Install the Stackify Python APM agent using pip:

    $ pip install stackify-python-apm

    You may install your stackify-python-apm by adding it to your project's requirements.txt file.

  3. Update and insert the apm settings to your application:
    Include our pyramid tween integration:

    with Configurator() as config:

    Or explicit tween configuration:

    with Configurator({
        'pyramid.tweens': ['stackifyapm.contrib.pyramid.stackifyapm_tween_factory'].
    }) as config:
  4. Customize Application Name and Environment configuration:

    with Configurator({
        'APPLICATION_NAME': 'Python Application',
        'ENVIRONMENT': 'Production',
    }) as config:


Make application requests, you can then verify results in the Retrace dashboard.

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