The OTel Appliance
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The OTel Appliance

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The Netreo OTel Appliance

Cloud adoption offers enterprise customers the opportunity to leverage modern, immensely scalable infrastructures to develop agile, hybrid cloud applications and services. As businesses modernize their infrastructures, customers need equally advanced data ingestion to enjoy the benefits of Retrace application monitoring, centralized tracing and aggregated server and app logging.

The Netreo OTel Appliance provides data ingestion for the emerging OpenTelemery standard and simplifies instrumentation of cloud-native apps deployed on modern infrastructures from hyperscalers, such as AWS, Azure and GCP platforms. Using Retrace with the OTel Appliance helps customers align their APM needs with the reality of today’s business IT infrastructures.

Leveraging the OTel Appliance SDK, customers easily connect with any host to create a single pane of glass view of OpenTelemetry metrics in Retrace. The combination delivers native app integration and seamless metrics, logs and traces from any application running on serverless compute services, like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions, plus advanced containers, such as Azure Container Apps, AWS ECS and more.

What is the Netreo OTel Appliance?


The Netreo OTel Appliance enables customers to take full advantage of OpenTelemetry data ingestion to extend the reach of Retrace APM into modern cloud applications. Retrace captures and analyzes data from 12 programming languages and presents critical metrics in your familiar Retrace dashboard.

Why the Netreo OTel Appliance

The Netreo OTel Appliance enables Retrace APM to easily add observable instrumentation to cloud-native applications leveraging the de facto industry standard defined by OpenTelemetry. Retrace with the Netreo OTel Appliance provides expanded user benefits that enable customers to easily optimize cloud-based apps and services across today’s most popular cloud environments:

  • True Observability: Understanding the internal state of a system by examining its outputs means capturing, processing and analyzing telemetry data, which includes traces, metrics and logs. The OTel Appliance creates true observability for our leading Retrace full lifecycle APM solution.
  • Data Flexibility: OpenTelemetry allows you to control what telemetry data you send to your platforms, so you can fine tune app performance monitoring with Retrace APM.
  • Vendor Neutrality: The Netreo OTel Appliance enables you to collect telemetry data from different sources and send it to Retrace APM, or even other monitoring platforms, without significant configuration changes or vendor lock-in.
  • Extensibility: Quickly and easily extend Retrace APM instrumentation to 12 languages for end-to-end, code-level tracing and troubleshooting of cloud-native apps in microservices architectures, serverless and advanced container environments.
  • Trust: Enjoy Retrace’s tried and true combination APM features and tools - Detailed App Tracing, Centralized Logging, Application Error Tracking, Fully Integrated Alerts, Critical Metrics Monitoring, Real User Monitoring, Deployment Tracking and more - to improve the user experience with today’s most complex business networks and applications.

How the Netreo OTel Appliance Works?


In most cases, cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure and GCP provide OTel endpoints. All that is required from your operations team to send data is simply adding the Netreo OTel Appliance to your infrastructure and configuring your existing collector.

The Netreo OTel Appliance is deployed in any container environment and is hosted on Kubernetes, container services, Docker or any container infrastructure that can be built from a container registry like Docker.
Your existing OTel Collector streams the observability data to the OTel Appliance or apps are configured to send data directly to the OTel Appliance.
The OTel Appliance converts the observability data into Retrace formats and submits to the Retrace platform, which reduces the overall cost of OTel data ingestion and processing.
Retrace platform processes the data and provides you with all the features and capabilities available including performance insights, tracing, log integration, monitoring, alerting and notifications.

Who Benefits?

IT Leadership - With vendor-agnostic telemetry data ingestion, the Netreo OTel Appliance lets IT leaders choose the best observability provider for their needs and goals without locking their infrastructure and apps to a single observability provider. Unmatched observability and comprehensive metrics monitoring deliver critical insights into advanced cloud architectures and services, ensuring cloud resource optimization and delivering peace of mind for IT leaders to focus on more strategic initiatives that further improve business results.

IT Operations - Simplified app instrumentation and extensive language support extends observability and enables the Netreo OTel Appliance to present integrated log and trace streams from cloud-based apps and servers. Actionable insights ensure faster issue remediation, consistent resource optimization and a great user experience. Current OTel adopters can easily add the OTel Appliance and Retrace without having to touch any existing infrastructure code outside of existing OTel collectors.

Developers - With comprehensive access to critical metrics, traces and logs across all the common cloud providers, technologies, frameworks and architectures, the Netreo OTel Appliance simplifies every step in code development, app creation and ongoing performance optimization. The powerful combination helps developers proactively resolve issues in QA and continuously improve cloud application performance in production environments.

Cloud Support

Users enjoy ubiquitous data ingestion from the most popular cloud services providers, using the Netreo OTel Appliance:

  • AWS Cloud Services
    • AWS EC2
    • AWS ECS
    • AWS EKS
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    • AWS APP Runner
    • AWS OpenShift
  • Azure Cloud Services
    • Azure VM
    • Azure App Services
    • Azure AKS
    • Azure Container Instances
    • Azure Functions
    • Azure OpenShift
  • Google Cloud Services
    • GCP Compute Engine
    • GCP Cloud Run
    • GCP Kubernetes Engine
    • GCP Cloud Functions
    • GCP App Engine
    • GCP OpenShift

Programming Language Support

The Netreo OTel Appliance supports OpenTelemetry code instrumentation for many popular languages and frameworks. While the list will continue to expand, the Netreo OTel Appliance currently process and reports metrics from the following languages:


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