Updates In Prefix
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Updates In Prefix

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Article summary

In Prefix there are two types of updates you can expect- App updates and profiler updates.

App Updates

App updates include UI or feature fixes and improvements we have made. You can tell when there is a new version of the Prefix app available when there is an orange dot and arrow on the icon in the upper left corner.


By clicking on that icon, you will open the packages window where all available updates and release notes are available to view. Simply click on the update button with the latest version available and your Prefix app will begin the update process.


Profiler Updates

The Netreo Profilers are updated separately from the Prefix application. Profiler updates can include security patches, bug fixes, and tracing updates. You will want to be sure that you keep the profiler for your languages up to date to ensure you are using the best version of the profiler for your needs.

You can tell when there is an updated version of a profiler you have installed with Prefix when there is an orange dot and arrow on the icon in the upper left corner.


By Clicking on that icon, you will open the packages window where all available updates and release notes are available to view. Simply click on the update button with the latest version available and your Prefix app will begin the update process.


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