Website Monitoring and Alerting
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Website Monitoring and Alerting

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Article summary

Website Monitoring and Alerting Using Retrace

“100% website availability.” Which webmaster would not want to see this availability report? Every website owner would like their website available for users to be 99.9% all of the time. Without a website that is accessible and running smoothly at any time of day, all web-related investments will go to waste. That is why website availability monitoring is so important.

Website availability affects revenue. Site visitors usually don’t return to an inaccessible website or down website. There is a high probability that those customers will simply go to your competitor. What does this mean? Losing prospects or visitors means losing conversions, leads, and revenue. Remember that in the online world, time is money. Even a 98% uptime result can lose nearly $200k potential revenue.

Historically, support engineers monitored manually by going to the web site periodically and manually accessing each page to see if it’s accessible. If a page doesn’t load, they would troubleshoot the problem. To reduce the manual effort, the development teams often build expensive custom automation for accessing the pages and spend significant resources on alert mechanisms.

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Using Retrace can help developers monitor your website’s availability and detect outage conditions. By setting outage conditions, the system will alert the users. Among hundreds of features with Retrace, the task of setting up the page accessibility monitoring is as simple as adding the URL of the page and specifying the recipients of alert notifications sent when a page is not accessible. This Retrace feature is called “Web Site Monitoring”.

Learn how to setup Website Monitoring with Retrace How to Monitor Websites.

Learn how to setup notification groups (SMS or e-mail) How to use Notification Groups.

If you have questions or would like to talk about other Retrace features, you may book a meeting with your Customer Success Manager (

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