Windows Agent Release Notes 2022
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Windows Agent Release Notes 2022

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Article summary

December 5, 2022

Windows Agent v4.34.23

Advisory: To ensure that you are using the most recent version of the profiler, issue an IISRESET command from an administrator command prompt at your earliest possible maintenance window.

  • Improvement to ensure IIS logs are uploaded to Retrace when certain IIS logs cannot be found or read
  • Resolves issues with IIS crashing after auto update to 4.34.18 due to a Method Not Found exception
  • Adds support for profiling applications with Virtual Paths in IIS and Azure App Services
  • A memory leak was resolved in .NET with certain asynchronous operations that use StackifyLib

.NET Profiler 1.8.9

  • Fixed a bug with using wildcards in the Method field for custom instrumentation

Java Profiler 1.33.15

  • Resolves a bug with competing App Names in traces from the Java profiler

August 2, 2022

Windows Agent v4.34.15

  • Fix for profiling Azure Webjobs where the .NET profiler was not attaching as expected
  • Fix for requests being duplicated as failures and affecting user satisfaction scores
  • Fix for APM data not showing when an AppID exceeded character limit
  • Fix for agent update overwriting the stackify.ini config

.NET Profiler 1.8.4

  • Fix for bad class token in microsoft.logging.extensions

Java Profiler 1.33.14

April 25, 2022

Windows Agent v4.34.10

  • Change Tracking on sub apps in IIS was causing high CPU usage
  • Azure App Service applications showing incorrect App Name
  • Fixed special characters causing duplicate entries to be made for App Name

.NET Profiler 1.8.2

  • Fixed an issue where Redis calls to PublishAsync caused issues after monitoring configured

March 14, 2022

Windows Agent v4.34.8

  • Log4net vulnerability (CVE-2018-1285) researched and updated to log4net 2.0.11 for the Windows agent
  • Fixed issue where “Disable APM” from Retrace was not disabling profiling

Java Profiler 1.33.13

  • Java application discovery logic improved

February 23, 2022

Windows Agent v4.33.14

  • Better Special character handling in AppName


  • Ability to change API key for the agent without an uninstall

.NET Profiler 1.8.0

  • Redis Subscription support

Java Profiler 1.33.11

  • RUM script injection even when key is unavailable

January 26, 2022

Windows Agent v4.33.12

.NET Profiler 1.7.0

  • Properly profile Redis data for .NET v5+ applications

Java Profiler 1.33.10

  • Properly set Reporting URL for Play 2.5 framework applications

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