Contents x
- Welcome to Retrace
- Installing Retrace
- Account Setup
- Application Performance
- Centralized Logging
- Error Monitoring
- Monitoring Configuration
- Overview
- Application Monitoring Overview
- Application Monitoring Configuration
- Windows Performance Counters
- How to Monitor Key Transactions
- How to Monitor Your Logs
- How to Monitor Azure Service Bus
- Server Monitoring Templates
- How to Monitor SQL Queries
- How to Monitor Websites
- How to Monitor Files
- Log Query Monitor Best Practices
- Alerts and Notifications
- FAQs
- Deployment Tracking
- RUM Setup Guide
- OTel Support
- .NET Setup Guide
- Getting Started
- APM Setup Guides
- New vs Legacy Profiler
- Legacy .NET Profiler Guide
- Supported Technologies
- .NET APM on Windows
- .NET APM on Linux
- .NET APM with Docker (Linux)
- .NET APM with Kubernetes
- Custom Instrumentation
- APM Troubleshooting Guide
- Agent Installation Options
- How to Profile Windows Services
- Azure Deployments
- AWS Deployments
- Advanced APM Topics
- .NET Logging Guide
- .NET API Library
- Examples
- Java Setup Guide
- APM Setup Guides
- Java APM on Linux
- Java APM on Windows
- Java APM with Docker
- Java APM with Kubernetes
- Java APM with AWS ECS
- Java APM with AWS Fargate
- Java APM with AWS Lambda
- Java APM with Heroku
- Java APM Troubleshooting Guide
- Support for Java Background Services
- How to Collect Servlet Web Request Details
- Custom Instrumentation
- Supported Java Technologies
- Getting Started
- Logging Setup Guides
- Java API Library
- Examples
- APM Setup Guides
- PHP Setup Guide
- Getting Started with PHP
- APM Setup Guides
- PHP APM with Linux
- PHP APM with Docker
- PHP APM with Kubernetes
- PHP APM with AWS Fargate
- PHP APM with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- PHP APM with AWS Lambda
- PHP APM with Plesk
- PHP APM with Heroku
- PHP APM Troubleshooting Guide
- Custom Instrumentation
- Advanced Configuration
- Supported PHP Technologies
- Logging Setup Guides
- Node.js Setup Guide
- Getting Started
- APM Setup Guides
- Node.js APM with Linux / Windows
- Node.js APM with Docker
- Node.js APM with Kubernetes
- Node.js APM with AWS ECS
- Node.js APM with AWS Fargate
- Node.js APM with AWS Lambda
- Node.js APM with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Node.js APM with Heroku
- Node.js APM Troubleshooting Guide
- Custom Instrumentation
- Supported Node.js Technologies
- Logging Setup Guides
- Ruby Setup Guide
- Getting Started
- APM Setup Guides
- Ruby APM with Linux / Windows
- Ruby APM with Docker
- Ruby APM with Kubernetes
- Ruby APM with Heroku
- Ruby APM with Scalingo
- Ruby APM with AWS ECS
- Ruby APM with AWS Fargate
- Ruby APM with AWS Lambda
- Ruby APM with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Ruby APM Troubleshooting
- Custom Instrumentation
- Advanced Configuration
- Supported Ruby Technologies
- Logging Setup Guides
- Python Setup Guide
- Integrations
- Prefix
- What is Prefix?
- Getting Started
- Updates In Prefix
- Distributed Tracing
- Missing Spans
- Search Syntax
- Open Telemetry Support
- Using Prefix with .NET
- Using Prefix with Java
- Using Prefix with PHP
- Using Prefix with Node.js
- Using Prefix with Ruby
- Using Prefix with Python
- Prefix Premium
- Troubleshooting
- Data Collection Policy
- Release Notes
- Windows Agent Release Notes 2025
- Linux Agent Release Notes 2024
- Profiler Updates 2024
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- December Platform Release
- Windows Agent 4.24
- November 19, 2019 - Platform
- October 15, 2019 - Platform
- Windows Agent 4.23
- September 19, 2019 - Platform
- Windows Agent 4.22
- August 27, 2019 - Platform
- August 1, 2019 - Platform
- Windows Agent 4.21
- July 11, 2019 - Platform
- July 1, 2019 - Platform
- Windows Agent 4.20
- June 4, 2019 - Platform
- Linux Agent 2.20
- May 15, 2019 - Platform
- April 16, 2019 - Platform
- April 2, 2019 - Platform
- March 19, 2019 - Platform
- Windows Agent 4.19
- March 11, 2019 - Platform
- Linux Agent 2.17
- February 6, 2019 - Platform
- January 17, 2019 - Platform
- January 8, 2019 - Platform
- Linux Agent 2.16
- 2018
- December 19, 2018 - Platform
- December 2018 - Platform
- November 2018 - Platform
- Linux Agent 2.15.5
- Windows Agent 4.18.8
- October 2018 - Platform
- Windows Agent 4.17.20
- Windows Agent 4.17.19
- Linux Agent 2.14.3
- September 2018 - Platform
- Windows Agent 4.17.14
- Windows Agent 4.17.11
- August 2018 - Platform
- July 2018 - Windows Agent 4.16
- July 2018 - Platform
- June 2018 - Platform
- April 2018 - Platform
- March 2018 - Platform
- March 2018 - Windows Agent 4.14
- March 2018 - Linux Agent 2.9
- February 2018 - Platform
- February 2018 - Windows Agent 4.13
- January 2018 - Windows Agent 4.12
- January 2018 - Windows Agent 4.11
- January 2018 - Linux Agent 2.8
- January 2018 - Linux Agent 2.6
- January 2018 - StackifyLib 2.1
- Other Announcements
- Insights
- Website Monitoring and Alerting
- Alert Notification and Escalation
- Leveraging Retrace for the Different Application Support Levels
- Application Cloud Migration and Re-architecture Journey
- Using Retrace as a key DevOps CI/CD automation tool
- ITIL v4 Service Management – Service Operations Processes
- Problem Management – Key to Achieving Operational Excellence
- OTel Appliance - Put your serverless and containerized apps on Retrace
- Open Telemetry: Under The Hood
Windows Agent Release Notes
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November 30, 2021
Windows Agent v4.33.11
- Fixed an issue where the environment name could be incorrect in the app dashboard
- Updated Java Profiler to v1.33.9
.NET Profiler 1.6.x
- Fixed an issue where .NET Core and .NET full framework applications running in the same process could cause crashes
- Improved how "Reporting URL" APM data shows up for MVC applications
November 03, 2021
Windows Agent v4.33.7
- Fixed an issue that would cause APM to stop reporting when Custom Instrumentation was implemented in a specific way
- Fixed an issue where SQL method calls were not appearing properly in a trace breakdown view
- Fixed an issue where the application name would not match what was reported in APM data in certain cases
October 19, 2021
Windows Agent v4.32.14
- Fixed an issue where APM data was not being processed correctly by the .NET profiler when instrumenting certain functions
- Fixed an issue in the .NET profiler that was leading to incorrect naming of Request URLs in specific scenarios
September 14, 2021
Windows Agent v4.32.13
- Fixed an issue introduced in version 4.32.12 causing process/service monitors to not work correctly
September 07, 2021
Windows Agent v4.32.12
- Removed RUM cookie support and replaced with the RUM V2 implementation (See more information in the RUM Docs.
- Made some enhancements around how IIS logs are uploaded
- Fixed an app naming issue when no Stackify.json config file existed
- Fixed an issue where the Request URL had no reporting_url property causing APM to report
or "null" as the request name. - Fixed an issue where unhandled exceptions were not properly being uploaded to the platform.
- Fixed an issue where Azure App Services profiler dlls could fail to update
- Fixed an issue where PSQL calls were not being captured in trace output
.NET Profiler 1.4.x
- Added support for Microsoft's ConfigurationBuilder in the profiler
- Added support for relative URLs
- Updated StackifyLib to 2.2.2 to include support for manual RUM injection
- Fixed some issues in the profiler where unhandled exceptions were not being collected
- Fixed an issue where the HTTP Trace module would not be properly loaded by the profiler
- Fixed a bug in the profiler where traces would not be generated in certain cases leading to missing APM data.
June 01, 2021
Windows Agent v4.31.7
- Additional debugging logging to help diagnose discovery issues
- Do not upload APM data until application discovery is complete
- Replace profiler files in WebJob during update, even if the files are locked by an active application being profiled
- Fix possible loss of APM on Agent restart
.Net Profiler 1.3.x
- Add support for runtime configuration builders in .Net Framework 4.7 and later
- Add support for OWin standalone apps
- Fix capture of MySQL being double counted
- Fix timing of Postgres calls
- Hangfire support
- Azure EventHub client support
- Prevent errors logging or writing trace files from impacting application
March 19, 2021
Windows Agent v4.30.63
- Fix application matching when using the legacy profiler with no configuration set
- Fix an issue where the local cache was not getting updated causing application/environment name changes to not take affect until the agent was restarted.
- Restore logic to use the Azure Role name instead of the deployed folder name of the application when running in Azure.
- Fix an issue matching environment names due to case sensitivity
- Fix an issue where
was the assigned name for an app if no names were configured through the web.config or Stackify.json file.
March 17, 2021
Windows Agent v4.30.61
- New Installer:
- Remove need to install SQL CE prerequisite
- C++ runtime detection is fixed and C++ runtimes are required now
- Added support for selecting New, Legacy or account default profiler in silent install
- Interactive install will always force either the new or legacy profiler based on checkbox
- Installing over an existing install reads the API Key and Environment name from the existing Stackify.ini
- Installer should not force a reboot on Windows Server 2019 when the C++ 2017 Runtime is not already installed before the agent installer runs.
- Fix some missing Postgres calls in trace if Async requests are used
- Support profiling without the IIS module installed:
- Removes the need to reference the module in Shared IIS configuration setups.
- Prevent crashing application if debug folder is not writable
- Support for WCF not in ASP compatibility mode
- The profiler version is written to the trace file
- Fix issue with crashing applications that load a resource only assembly (e.g. Language translation assemblies)
- Stronger matches are required (Including app path, physical path and environment)
- Improved how the agent discovers applications
- Minor tweaks to the SQL parser in the profiler
- Added
fields to ProfilerRequest and upload for all requests - Fixed some memory cache settings
December 02, 2020
Windows Agent v4.29.29
- Create RUM cookie by default for .NET Framework
- Add Path=/ to RUM cookie for Java and .NET profilers
- Match IIS logs to application name
October 19, 2020
Windows Agent v4.29.25
- Fixed an issue with EC2 instances which was causing the override name to sometimes be reverted
- Http Tracer module configuration will uninstall if the DLL cannot be found in the GAC
- Fixed issues discovering .NET Core applications running in IIS to the discovered IIS application
- In some cases exceptions were not uploaded to platform (Better support for CaptureAllExceptions setting)
- Changed calculation of Language specific time (DotNet, Ruby, PHP, etc. categories)
- App pool names longer than 50 characters could cause errors in the agent.
- Changed installer to sign exe and embedded msi files which removes unknown publisher warnings in recent OS updates.
- Embedded all prereqs in the installer package to remove dependencies and allow a network disconnected install (though the agent will not do anything until the connections are open).
.Net Profiler v1.0.26
- Fixed Custom Operation in Stackify.json to allow {{ClassName}} and {{MethodName}} substitutions
- Fixed Incorrect count of Postgres SQL statements and HTTP Web Requests
- Postgres table names were showing only the schema in the summary instead of the table name
- Ensured that trace files are explicitly written as UTF-8 for .Net Framework
- Capture Postgres Bulk Copy operations
- Partial support for SignalR
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