How are my traces and logs throttled?
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How are my traces and logs throttled?

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Retrace Rate Limiting Management

It is Netreo's goal to provide reliable and stable service to all of our customers. We achieve this by ensuring that our internal infrastructure and services run efficiently for all Retrace users. In order to maintain this goal, key rate limits have been put in place.

Under the Host Hour metered billing strategy, there are no monthly data caps enforced for traces and logs. There are, however, upper level limits enforced per hour in the event of extreme data usage spikes in order to ensure the service stability of our systems used by all of our customers.

We support up to 60,000 traces and logs ingested per host hour. In the rare event that a customer’s usage exceeds continually exceeds these limits, we reserve the right to enforce the following:

  • Temporary throttling of log data: Log data is throttled at 1,000 logs per minute. See more details here)
  • Temporary throttling of trace data: APM will continue to collect sample data, even if trace data is unavailable

Please note that hosts tagged as Non-Production are limited by design as defined here.

If you have further questions about these policies, please contact us and we will identify any adjustments that can be made.

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