.NET on macOS
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.NET on macOS

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Article summary

Installing Prefix

Prefix uses a simple installer and takes just a couple minutes to install.

Check out the Getting Started Prefix page to download and install Prefix on your workstation.

After the installation of Prefix is completed, the following will take place:

  • A Prefix Application is created in the Application directory
  • A com.stackify.prefix.plist file containing Environment Variables will be created in ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
  • The .NET profiler will be installed

Applying the Environment Variables

The .NET profiler requires environment variables to be set in order for Prefix to run correctly.

  • Add the variables to the user's shell profile
export CORECLR_PROFILER={cf0d821e-299b-5307-a3d8-b283c03916da}
export CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_64=/usr/local/prefix/profiler/dotnet/StackifyProfiler.dylib

These export variables can be added in your active terminal where your app is running.

.NET Core

.NET Core:

Prefix only supports 2.1 and later with primary testing on LTS releases (2.1 and 3.1)

All you need to do is create a Stackify.json file that contains your app name as shown below.

Naming your Application

Create a file named Stackify.json and save it in the deployment folder of your application.

    "AppName": "MyApp"

This app name setting will be used to display your different apps when viewing requests and traces in Prefix.

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