Custom Instrumentation
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Custom Instrumentation

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Article summary

The custom configuration file needs to be named 'stackify-apm.json' and be located in the classpath. You can configure additional classes and methods that you want to instrument. Example:

        "Class": "com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented",
        "Method": "methodToBeInstrumented"
        "Class": "com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented",
        "Method": "anotherMethodToBeInstrumented"

You can also add custom instrumentation to classes by using @Trace Annotation. See more information on our Github page here: Once the configuration has been saved, please restart the Web container.

Tracked Functions

  • trackedFunction marks a specific method as a tracked function.
  • trackedFunctionName gives control over how the tracked function will be identified in the dashboard. The function name can be a String and can also include the variables {{ClassName}}, {{MethodName}} and {{MethodParameters[#]}}(where # is an int referencing the parameter index on the annotated method, index starts at 0).
import com.stackify.apm.Trace;

public class ClassToBeInstrumented 
    public void methodToBeInstrumented()

    public void anotherMethodToBeInstrumented()

    @Trace(trackedFunction = true, trackedFunctionName = "Tracked Function Identifier")
    public void anotherMethodToBeInstrumentedAndMarkedAsTrackedFunction()

    @Trace(trackedFunction = true, trackedFunctionName = "Tracked Function {{ClassName}} - {{MethodParameters\[0\]}}")
    public void anotherMethodToBeInstrumentedAndMarkedAsTrackedFunctionVariable(String value)

    public void notInstrumented()

Custom Trace Entry Point

Retrace by default generates traces from web-requests on supported application servers and non-web-requests from supported frameworks (Retrace: Supported Java Application Containers and Frameworks). You can extend support by using @Trace(start = true) on a method; which will start a new trace.

        "Class": "com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented",
        "Method": "methodToBeInstrumented",
        "StartTrace": true
        "Class": "com.stackify.example.util.ClassToBeInstrumented",
        "Method": "methodToBeInstrumented"

JSON Configuration:

        "Class": "",
        "Method": "testMethod",
        "TrackedFunction": true,
        "TrackedFunctionName": "Tracked Function Test {{ClassName}}.{{MethodName}}"

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