Dashboard Overview
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Dashboard Overview

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Article summary

The App Dashboard is a powerful monitoring and troubleshooting perspective that gives you a view of application health across one or more environments.

The App Dashboard is broken down into a few key sections. At the top of this Dashboard you'll see that you can view the Environments that the App is in and time ranges that you want to display. There are several tabs available across the top:

Each of these display information based on the application + environment combination that is currently in context.

Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab includes key health metrics for your application across the selected environments and time range. You will see information related to Health, Performance, and Errors on this Dashboard Page.  In the case of a web application, you will see all of the charts below. If you're looking at a non-web application, the charts around web application performance will be absent. (If you are missing any web app monitoring data on this page, you can find more on setting up Web App Monitoring here.)


The Health section will display graphs that can show you valuable information about the resources related to your application. These resources and performance indicators include Availability%, User Satisfaction%, HTTP Error%, the rate of Alerts, Server CPU% and Memory% as well as App Pool Memory and logging rate monitors.

User Satisfaction

The User Satisfaction score is calculated by Apdex, an open standard that analyzes and reports on how App performance meets user expectations.


The Availability % will only be present if there is an external website monitor set up for your App to be checked by Stackify. This % is calculated by the percentage of time there is an "Outage" monitor result for the time period you are viewing. For example, if you are looking at the last day and your site has reported an Outage result for the external website check for exactly one hour, the availability score would be 75% (3 out of 4 hours not reporting an Outage). Changing the viewing time period will adjust this percentage as the proportion of time the external website monitor is in an Outage state will change.

HTTP Error %

This percentage is calculated automatically if you are uploading your weblogs to Stackify, or if you have the CLR profiler gathering APM data for your app.


The Performance section will give you a report of how well the application is performing overall, as perceived by your users.  A graph will allow you to view all requests by Satisfaction by viewing "Fast", "Sluggish", "Too Slow", or "Failed" types of requests.  Another report includes graphs of HTTP Error%, Satisfaction Score%, and Page Load Time.  Lastly, you will have the ability to sort each page request of your App by different categories: Satisfaction, Slowest page, Failed pages, pages hit, and total load time.  By clicking on an individual page a Performance Details page with further information about that specific page's health, performance, and errors will be displayed.


Here you can see overall error rate as reported by your application's exception logging, provided you're logging to the Stackify API.  (You can find more information on setting up the Stackify Errors and Logs API here.) In the Errors section you can view New, Regressed, or All errors. To gain more insight on a given error, click on the links in the Errors, URL, and Actual Error columns of the Error table for the Error you want to view more information on.

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