Linux Install Overview
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Linux Install Overview

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Article summary

Our Linux monitoring agent is a Java application that runs as a deamon service on your server.

Retrace also works with Docker. Please check out our installation guide for using Retrace with Docker or Docker Swarm.

Installing Retrace

Here is a script you can copy into your terminal that will download, un-tar, and install the agent all in one step. It is an interactive installer and will ask you for your activation key and environment name.

wget --output-document=stackify.tar.gz && tar -zxvf stackify.tar.gz stackify-agent-install-32bit && cd stackify-agent-install-32bit && sudo ./  
  1. When prompted, enter your activation key that can be found within your Retrace account.

  2. Enter your Environment Name when prompted. Your Environment will group your servers and Apps, so be sure to specify something meaningful (Prod, QA, etc).

Performing a "Silent" (Unattended or Automated) Install

If you are want to automate the installation, you can add a couple more parameters to the script and it can run silently and will not be interactive.

You need to add your key and environment as parameters.

wget --output-document=stackify.tar.gz && tar -zxvf stackify.tar.gz stackify-agent-install-32bit && cd stackify-agent-install-32bit && sudo ./ --key your_activation_key --environment your_environment_name

By adding these parameters, the installer will use the key and environment provided on the command line and won't prompt for any additional information during installation.

Updating an Existing Installation

If you already have an agent installed and need to manually update it (for instance, an automated update failed for some reason), use the following steps: Stop existing service if running (‘sudo service stackify-agent stop’, ‘sudo /etc/init.d/stackify-agent stop’, etc.)

sudo service stackify-agent stop

Run the original installation script with "--update" following the end of the script:

wget --output-document=stackify.tar.gz && tar -zxvf stackify.tar.gz stackify-agent-install-32bit && cd stackify-agent-install-32bit && sudo ./ --update

Start the service (‘sudo service stackify-agent start’, ‘sudo /etc/init.d/stackify-agent start’, etc.)

sudo service stackify-agent start

How to Uninstall Retrace

To remove the Stackify agent from you device, use the following command: Stop existing service if running (‘sudo service stackify-agent stop’, ‘sudo /etc/init.d/stackify-agent stop’, etc.)

sudo service stackify-agent stop

Remove the existing service:

sudo ./ --remove

Troubleshooting Installation

If your install is held up by glibc.i686 install, try running: 'yum install glibc.i686' You may see this output:

No package glibc.i686 available.

Error: Nothing to do

Check the yum.conf file, for an exclusion explicitly set for ".i686" files. This command is attempting to install 'glibc.i686' which would be excluded by this. Ex:

exclude=.i386 .i586 .i686 nginx php mysql

Advanced Configuration

Custom Server Name

During the install you can customize the server name used.
--devicealias "custom server name"

Stackify User IDs

The Stackify Agent creates a stackify user and group on install.
The ID for these can be customized during the install.
--uid # and --gid #

Disable Change Detection

Change detection can be disabled via the stackify-agent.conf file by adding in

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